Monday, July 7, 2014

Mr. Pete, Where Are Your Feet (Review)

A few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to be able to review a very cute looking book, little did I know though that it would be one of the best books my son and I have read together.

Mr Pete Cover Page

Mr. Pete, Where Are Your Feet by Katherine Bartlett is such a cute book about a little blue parakeet who sees his mother every day and each day she asks him, "Mr. Pete, where are your feet?" He soon realizes that he is missing a toe and tries to figure out where he has left it. Soon, different types of birds try to help him figure out where his toe has been placed, but he soon learns something much bigger. When his mother comes to see him again, he is worried that she will not love him as much because he cannot find his toe, but she reassures him that he was born this way and she loves him just the way he is, with or without the toe.

This is such an important lesson for children to learn. As children grow, they become more and more aware of the differences that they have from other children and differences that other children have from them. With so much diversity in our world, it is vital that children learn early on that they will be loved and respected, regardless of how they look. Instead of Pete's mother pretending he was the same as the other birds, she acknowledged the difference head-on and explained that she loved him just the same as she loved the others. This helped Mr. Pete understand and accept the fact that he was different and learn to love it. This is exactly what children need and the sooner they can learn this, the better!

As a preschool teacher, I strive to teach children about differences and loving diversity every day and I know they would absolutely love this book. Along with the bright, bold picture and learning about different types of birds, this would be a wonderful way to teach them to loves with own differences and the differences that others possess. I look forward to purchasing a copy of this book and reading it again with my son and with my students!

Click HERE to go to the page for Mr. Pete, Where Are Your Feet so you can read more about the book and purchase your own copy!

** All thoughts, opinions, and words in this post are my own **