Saturday, May 3, 2014

I'm Baaaaack!!

Hi everyone! If you haven't noticed, I've had to take a bit of a break from blogging. There's been almost three months of love, loss, personal development, and learning.

Back on February 28th, I celebrated my 25th birthday. This is no big deal to most people, but for me, it was a bit huge. I am (roughly) a quarter of the way through my life and I'm here thinking, "What have I done with my life?!" Now, I know I've met the man of my dreams, given birth to the two most beautiful boys EVER, and have started an amazing career with my Child Development education, but what else have I done? Have I, in my 25 years, made any bit of a difference to anyone? Have I done anything on my bucket list that I can brag about? I've only left the country twice and that was just going to Mexico! I want to go to Italy, I want to see a giraffe in it's natural habitat, I want to know I've made a difference in the world, even if its just a small one. I want to read Oprah's book list, stare in amazement at the beauty of the Northern Lights, and witness a miracle. I have a bucket list with over 100 things on it, and my new goal for the next five years, along with finally getting my degree, is to check off a few of those things.

In March, my family and I unfortunately went through A LOT! March 3rd, I started a new job working as an aide in a special needs preschool. I thought I was prepared for it because I'm familiar with children with special needs, but I had no idea what I was getting into! Its so amazing though and I feel so fortunate to be able to work with those children and the other teachers in the classroom. I wasn't planning on working until Aaron was at least a year old, but this is only for five hours a day, four days a week, so it's great. Early March, my beautiful Great-Grandmother Eileen was hospitalized after having numerous strokes back to back. She had had a lot of health issues so a few people in my family weren't too concerned because she was always able to bounce back, but something just told me this wasn't going to end well. That was something I would gladly have been wrong about. Mid-March, we got the phone call we were hoping wouldn't come. She had passed away. Because she lived out in Wisconsin and we live in California, we weren't able to attend the funeral, but we were definitely there in spirit. A few days later, my uncle was then hospitalized after having a heart attack. He had a few other health problems as well but we all expected him to come through. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and we had to say goodbye. I was incredibly close to him and this was so hard on me. We went down to Southern California to visit my aunt and let her know we were all there to support her and it felt so strange going out to dinner and not seeing my uncle. Just a few months before that, we were all together and introducing him to our son, and now all we had left were memories. After losing Edward, loss has manage to hit me incredibly hard, so March was a ridiculously hard month for me. I had to take care of Aaron, work and take care of the children there, continue with my schooling, all the while keeping it together after the two losses.

April was a bit more enjoyable, while still insanely busy! I had a week off of from college classes, just in time for a crazy busy week at work. Then, I was able to help my future brother-in-law plan his proposal to my sister! I've never seen her happier than when she is with him so I was more than happy to help him and it was such a beautiful moment! The surprise was almost ruined a few times, but we pulled it together and my sister is now proudly sporting a gorgeous engagement ring!

May is now here (WOW!) and I am so happy to be back doing what I love! While I am still a full time mommy and wife, a student avidly working on that degree, and a preschool aide, I am once again in a great place in my life and am here blogging. I have three blogs that I can't wait to bring you all and much more in the works!

I'm back, and I have so much in store for you all!