Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Vicks Smart Temp Thermometer from Influenster

I haven't blogged about anything for a long time... Mostly because of this thing that society calls a "toddler" that I have been blessed with. I'm, of course, kidding. My son truly is the best thing that my husband has ever given me. Little Chunkas, as I affectionately call him, is the most amazing little being ever; he's curious and adventurous and loves meeting new people whenever possible. He's constantly touching and examining things and... as any parent knows... that means he's also coming into contact with *shivers* GERMS! Nasty little germs that turn my fun-loving, snuggly, outgoing little boy into a ball of fevers and whimpers. Finally, though, I have one new tool to add to my arsenal that will be changing the Momma Nurse game forever ---

The Vicks Smart Temp Thermometer

I am being 100% serious when I tell you all that I love love LOVE this new gadget of mine and it really is a game changer! You look at it and you can automatically tell it isn't your mom's old thermometer. Right off the bat, you see that there isn't a screen. That's because YOUR PHONE is the screen! You download the free Vicks Smart Temp app and then turn the Bluetooth capability on on your phone and link your thermometer to your phone. From the app, you are now able to use the thermometer. You can set a profile for everyone in your home where a log of all of the temperatures read will be stored and also set a reminder for when you need to read a temperature again and/or administer medicine. You can also let it know whether you are checking the temperature via mouth, armpit, or rectum, which is huge for me because I never remember the conversions. It also lets this neurotic mommy know when to be concerned with my babe's temperature via a color-changing system. It's green when all is good, yellow when its a little high, and red when I should be concerned and possibly considering contacting a nurse or doctor.

This thing definitely helps me keep my head straight when I haven't slept a wink all night because I've been holding and comforting my little Chunkas. I owe a lot of my sanity to the Vicks Smart Temp every time my little man gets sick. Thank you, Influenster, for an AMAZING new tool!

If you all have any questions about Influenster or would like to sign up to review and test new products, please let me know! I would love to answer any questions and help you sign up! And please feel free to see what I've been up to on here! I've had loads of fun trying new products with the VoxBoxs and reviewing all of the products that I love!

Thanks for reading, TTFN!
Sara <3

(Disclaimer - I received this product for free from Influenster for testing and reviewing purposes.)

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